Wedding and Jewellery Buddhist wedding card format in Marathi
Wedding and Jewellery Buddhist wedding card format in Marathi from


Marathi is one of the oldest languages in India and still spoken by many people in the state of Maharashtra. It is a language that is rich and full of culture and tradition. This language has been used for centuries in the Hindu and Buddhist rituals. As such, the use of Marathi in wedding cards is becoming increasingly popular. Marathi wedding cards are a great way to add a touch of culture and tradition to a wedding. There are many different types of Marathi wedding cards available, from simple ones that feature just the names of the bride and groom to elaborate ones that feature intricate designs and symbols. In this article, we will discuss Buddhist wedding card samples in Marathi.

What is a Buddhist Wedding Card?

A Buddhist wedding card is a special type of card that is used to invite the guests to the wedding ceremony. It is typically a very small card, usually printed on plain white paper, that has a few lines of text that are written in Marathi. It may also have a few symbols or images related to Buddhism, such as the lotus flower or the Buddha. The card is usually sent to the guests a few weeks before the wedding.

Types of Buddhist Wedding Cards

There are a variety of different types of Buddhist wedding cards available. Some of the most popular ones include the traditional cards, which feature a few lines of text in Marathi and the image of a lotus flower. Other cards may feature more elaborate designs and symbols such as the eight-spoked wheel of Dharma or the Bodhi tree. There are also some cards that feature more modern designs, such as images of the bride and groom.

Symbols on Buddhist Wedding Cards

The symbols used on Buddhist wedding cards are often related to Buddhism. The lotus flower is one of the most common symbols used on the cards and is a symbol of purity and enlightenment. Other symbols include the Bodhi tree, the eight-spoked wheel of Dharma, or the symbols of the four noble truths. These symbols are used to represent the teachings of the Buddha and are meant to remind the guests of the importance of following the teachings.

Designs on Buddhist Wedding Cards

The designs used on Buddhist wedding cards can range from simple to elaborate. Some of the most common designs include traditional patterns and images, such as the lotus flower or the Bodhi tree. Other designs may feature more modern images, such as photos of the bride and groom. It is also possible to customize the design of the card by adding text, symbols, or images of your own.

Writing a Buddhist Wedding Card

When writing a Buddhist wedding card, it is important to keep it simple and to the point. The text should include the names of the bride and groom, the date of the wedding, and the location of the ceremony. It is also important to include a few lines of text that are related to Buddhism, such as a quote from the Buddha or a short poem. It is also important to remain respectful and to avoid using any offensive language.

Ordering a Buddhist Wedding Card

Buddhist wedding cards can be ordered online or in stores. When ordering online, it is important to ensure that the website is reputable and secure. When ordering in stores, it is important to make sure that the store carries cards that are made from quality materials and that feature designs that are appropriate for a Buddhist wedding. It is also important to read through the card and make sure that all of the text is correct before ordering.


Buddhist wedding cards are a great way to add a touch of culture and tradition to a wedding. There are many different types of Marathi wedding cards available, from simple ones that feature just the names of the bride and groom to elaborate ones that feature intricate designs and symbols. When ordering a card, it is important to ensure that the website is reputable and secure, and to make sure that the card features designs that are appropriate for a Buddhist wedding. By following these tips, couples can create a unique and special Buddhist wedding card that will be cherished for years to come.